Together We Can Achieve More

Providing Safe & Clean Water in Haiti, Africa, and Around the Globe.

Help us bring hope to the hurting.

Over my decades assisting new wine, spirit and liquor brands in entering the US market, I have been privileged to touch so many countries. While we have the opportunity to help Americans experience some of the cultures of foreign countries through the local beverages they produce, we see many parts of the world where people can’t even access clean drinking water to live. Ironically, oftentimes the water is available in their local area in the form of underground springs.

The major challenge is access. One of the reasons I started BBG is to continue with this critical objective -- to give liquid and life back to people in places that really need it.

- John Beaudette 

The Project

Clean water is essential for life, yet is out of reach for too many around the globe. For example, by some estimates, more than half of all deaths in Haiti in recent years are attributable to waterborne diseases — diarrhea, typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis and most of those victims are young children. Liquid for Life helps build wells that can be maintained and provide clean water for eating, drinking and gardening. BBG has partnered with Cross Catholic Outreach, a leading charity, to provide Liquid for Life.


We are a Catholic ministry that serves the poorest of the poor internationally by channeling aid through dioceses, parishes, and Catholic missionaries, cost-effectively helping the poor break the cycle of poverty.

  • 1 in 3 people globally do not have access to clean drinking water
  • 4.8 million Zambians lack regular access to clean water and 6.6 million lack access to adequate sanitation facilities.
  • An estimated 1.2 million people died as a result of unsafe water sources in 2017. This was 2.2% of global deaths.
  • More than half of Haiti's rural population still lacks access to drinkable water, while only about one-third of Haitians have access to basic sanitation.


John Beaudette created Liquid for Life, a campaign in partnership with Cross Catholic Outreach, to dig and install wells and pumps to benefit those in need around the globe. And make no mistake:
together we can make a difference.

Each well costs about $14,636 which includes drilling, installing a pump, building a shed to store supplies, and providing education to community members on how to fix and maintain the wells in the communities such as Locawil, Maria Lapas and Mirerbalais!

We hope you will join us in our mission at BBG to bring clean water to those in need. This clean water will not only help prevent cholera and other potentially fatal waterborne diseases; but will also provide one of the essentials of modern life that too many around the globe cannot yet enjoy.

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